How to Live with Type 2 Diabetes Part 1

Type 2 Diabetes – How I got here.

Who would have thought I would be writing about type 2 diabetes. I was Mr. “I can eat anything”. How things have changed.

Never say never

These were my life declarations:

I said:

  • I will never use artificial sweeteners
  • I will never drink diet pop (“soda” to some)
  • I will never eat fish
  • I don’t eat a lot of sweets
  • I have to have my bread

You get the picture; I was not going to change my lifestyle or my eating habits. I thought I had it all under control.

Lost the battle, but not the war

I’ve been fighting type 2 diabetes for years now. With the right pills and a controlled diet everything would be fine, so I thought. I took the pills (sort of) but the controlled diet never happened (couldn’t find a sugar-free Krispy Kreme). My weight was a factor, however I wasn’t extremely over weight just a little, say 20 pounds or so.  Last Christmas things got a bit crazy and I did gain a bit from stress eating. I talk a bit more about stress and type 2 diabetes in another post here.

Reality of type 2 diabetes rears its ugly head

I’m getting ready for another misson trip and make an appointment with my physician. The good doctor (he is a good doctor) looks at my blood work and doesn’t like what he sees; tells me I’m maxed out on pills and I need to start using insulin.  Epiphany! Revelation! Scared!!

Time for a change

I needed to change my diet. I did. I monitor my sugar now, poking myself two or three times a day, recording everything I eat. Low carb high protien diet is helping me lose weight (13 pounds so far). I see what my old eating habits were killing me.

God has a great sense of humor. I have to be careful whenever I say “I will Never”.

  • I NOW like diet soda (pop)
  • I NOW like Splenda® (use it in my coffee)
  • I NOW will eat fish ocasionally  (I didn’t say never, didn’t say always either. I’m not fond of fish.)
  • I cut out the sweets
  • I cut way down on the bread

I want to see my grandchildren graduate and get married. See my great grandchildren too.
I need to live right to live long.

Anybody agree with me?



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